Bulb Lasagne Planting
Spring Bulb Plant Time Now
Lasagne Planting Guide
Layering bulbs in containers can have your pots brimming with colour for much longer.
The tallest, latest flowering bulbs are planted at the bottom working up to the shorter and earlier bulbs on top.
Step 1
Pick your bulbs! For the display to work you need to ensure that you pick three types of bulbs with various heights and bloom times that will give a display that lasts the whole season. Our lasagne planting packages in-store contain the bulb combinations you need.
Step 2
Ensure you've a big enough pot or container, with holes at the bottom for drainage. Add in your layer of peat free compost mixed with grit to enhance drainage.
Step 3
Gently nestle your bulbs into the soil starting with the tallest and latest blooms at the bottom. Cover with about 2 inches of compost and start your next layer! (Don't worry about the layers below, the bulbs will grow around the layer above them.)
Step 4
When you've finished your last layer, top with grit to help protect them. Water to settle the soil and activate growth.
Step 5
You can plant winter bedding plants on top of your bulb lasagne if you would like to add interest, or maybe top with decorative plant toppers, such as broken shells, to add a different colour!
Enjoy your end result!
Products In-Store
Bulb Planting & Potting Peat Free Mix €5.95
Potting Grit 20kg €6.99 or 2 for €12.00
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